Monday, February 7, 2011

The PSA Test - How Does It Work

The purpose of this article is to remove some of the mystery surrounding the PSA test and its use in signaling the potential presence of prostate cancer.

The cells of the prostate gland produce prostate-specific antigen. A rectal exam and a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test will help detect prostate cancer in men age 50 or over. The Federal Drug Administration approved the use of the PSA test to detect prostate cancer and to see if the cancer has recurred. A high PSA level is a sign that cancer is present. There are other reasons for a high PSA level and PSA screening has some limits.

The PSA test measures the level of protein produced by the prostate gland. The doctor will take a blood sample and send it to a laboratory. This test is sometimes called a biological marker for cancer tumors. Men normally have low levels of PSA in their blood. If the rate is high, it could point to prostate cancer but it can mean there are other non-cancer conditions present in the prostate. As men get older, prostate cancer and other prostate problems become more of a problem. Enlarged prostate and prostatitis may raise the PSA levels in the blood. Neither of these problems causes cancer but it is possible for a man with one of these problems to develop prostate cancer.
The PSA level will not tell the doctor if the patient has a benign prostate problem or cancer. The doctor will use the PSA test to decide if there should be a check for other signs of prostate cancer.

The Federal Drug Administration approved the PSA test to be used with a rectal exam to check for any abnormalities in the prostate. The doctor will insert a gloved finger into the rectum to check for lumps or areas that seem abnormal. The PSA test is used with this rectal exam to detect cancer in men, especially those who have no symptoms. The FDA also approved the test for patients who have had prostate cancer to see if the cancer has come back.

The PSA test is highly recommended for men over the age of 50. If the patient has a high risk factor for prostate cancer, the doctor may recommend PSA testing to start at age 45. There are some risk factors a man should look at if a doctor recommends routine screening. Age is the most common risk factor, but if there is a family history of prostate cancer you have a greater chance of having it too. African-American has the largest risk of contacting prostate cancer. Native American and Asian men have the lowest rates of this disease. Some think this might be because a diet that is high in animal fat may increase the chance of getting prostate cancer.

If a man shows a high PSA level in his blood the doctor may look for other causes before doing more screening for prostate cancer. If the patients have no other symptoms, you may be advised to watch for any changes in urination habits and take another PSA test in a few months.

Cancer Information: Preparing for the Worst

According to the 2007 report of the World Health Organization, the next thirty years will witness a significant global rise, in the number of deaths due to non-communicable diseases, especially cancer. This prediction is mainly due to the ageing of the population of the world.

However, even without that bit of news, we are aware of cancer being a major killer. But we do know that a cancer, when detected in its earliest stages, is generally curable. Hence, it is advisable to make sure that we are privy to various kinds of cancer information.

To begin with, it helps if you know about the different common types of cancer. Among the most common are bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, and prostate cancer.

Leukemia is another common type, where the cancer forms in the tissues where blood is formed, such as in the bone marrow. This then leads to the production of a large number of blood cells, and these large numbers of blood cells then enter the blood stream.

If you have a suspicious looking mole, you really should have it checked, as you do not want to risk it's being cancerous. It may be nothing, but you really should not sit on it worrying that it might be melanoma. The word "melanoma" comes from "melanocytes". Melanocytes are the cells in which melanin pigment is formed. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that begins in these cells.

NHL (Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma) is yet another common form of cancer. This refers to a the growth of a large group of cancers that affect the immunity system. The symptoms of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are those of fever and weight loss, a sure sign that the immunity system has been affected. This is a cancer that can affect any age group, and its treatment is completely dependent on the stage of detection of the cancer.

Of course, these are only a few of the many kinds of cancers that afflict people all over the world. There are cancers that can be easily treated, and those that cannot. On the Internet, there are various sites that are devoted to providing cancer information. So you have the official sites, websites created by cancer specialists, and sites created and maintained by people who have either battled cancer or know people who have.

So, at least if you are looking for basic information, there are a large number of authoritative websites that provide cancer information. Prepare yourself with all the cancer information that you can, so that you will be better placed to deal with the countless problems that a cancer brings in its wake.

Prevention of Cancer

If you or someone you know is diagnosed as having cancer it can be traumatic. You want to know how and why this could have happened and if there is
anything you can do to cure the cancer. There is no easy answer to those questions as there are numerous types of cancer and various contributing factors.

At present there are over 200 recognised forms of cancer that affect different regions of the body. It does not necessarily follow that one type of cancer that affects an area of the body will spread to another. The other important point to note is that cancer is caused by a variety of factors and does not usually have any one cause but is often brought about by a combination of them.

There are a number of more common factors that lead to a higher risk of developing cancer and these are age, genetic make up, levels of immunity, diet,
environment and viruses.

Cancer is caused by cells changing over time and therefore the older we are the more susceptible we are to developing the disease.

Our genetic make up can make us predisposed to getting cancer if we were born with cells that are already altered from a normal state which makes them more likely to become cancerous.

Of course our body's immune system helps us to fend off the development of cancerous cells but if its effectiveness has been reduced by certain medical conditions then we are at a higher risk than average of developing cancer.

Our diet has an impact on our likelihood of getting cancer too. It is no coincidence that people who have a higher fat intake are more likely to end up with the disease than those who have a healthy and balanced diet.

We are also exposed to certain risk factors in our daily lives. Being exposed to tobacco smoke for example is believed to significantly increase our chances of having cancer in later life. Radiation exposure is also a hazard that we often ignore.
The increased use of microwave ovens and cell phones are put forward as contributing to the rising number of cancer cases. People living in the vicinity of nuclear power plants have been trying to prove for years that they are at a greater
risk from cancer than those who live elsewhere.

Cancer Biopsy Cases Pervade Medical Clinics

The term biopsy literally means a view of life and literally means from the Greek "bio" meaning life, and "-psy" meaning vision. A biopsy is literally a look at living tissue, and is a test used for cancer diagnosis. Any tissue or organ in the body has the capacity to be biopsied, and there are several techniques used. Some of these require surgery, whereas others will not even require an anesthetic. In each method, a sample of tissue is extracted from the body and studied for cancer markers, cancer cells, or unusual cell division. Each cancer has its own techniques of diagnosis, but the different types of biopsies can be identified. Naturally, you should go to a reputed medical clinic to get this done. You can look up an online health directory to learn more.

1) Excisional biopsy. This is a surgical removal of the possible tumor growth. In this case, either an organ or lump is excised, or cut out of the body. Excisional biopsies are used for a variety of cancer diagnoses and for different reasons in each. In osteosarcoma they are used because of the growth rate of possible tumors. Surgery will always be the first choice of biopsy in bone cancers. In lymphoma, tumors can only be examined as whole pieces in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis. Breast cancer is another cancer where some surgeons prefer surgery. This will make certain any cancer diagnosis with the most accuracy.

2) Incisional Biopsy. Here only a section of the lump is removed through surgery. This type is generally used for possible soft tissue cancers.

3) Endoscopic Biopsy. This is the most preferred form of biopsy and is performed through a fibreoptic endoscope that is entered into the organ of disruption. The doctor looking through the endoscope can view directly any abnormal sections and cut or pinch pieces of tissue with forceps. A thoroscopy for endoscopic biopsy under general anesthesia will be used for mesothelioma, a cancer of internal organ lining. The reason for this is there is simply no other techniques to obtain a tissue sample. Meshothelioma is also very difficult to diagnose through other means, and so excisional biopsy is the best course for an accurate diagnosis.

4) Fine needle aspiration is the most preferred form of biopsy today. Here a needle will be entered into the lump and a large number of cell tissue will be drawn through a syringe. These cells will then be stained and studied by a pathologist. In this case, a diagnosis is arrived at in a very short time. This kind of biopsy can even be done on hard to get at organs such as the pancreas or lungs with ultrasound guided techniques. This is the preferred choice as avoiding surgery is almost always first on the wish list of the doctor.

There are other forms of biopsies, but these categories are the most preferred and cover most of the major cancerous diseases. If a cancer is possible, a patient may endure more than one of these tests through the course of their treatment, depending on how aggressive the doctor feels it is.

Specialist medical clinics are most suited to deal with this. If you want to learn more, read online articles on the issue. These are found without difficulty in a health directory.

Cancer Awareness Pins

Everyone has seen them. The small ribbons and pins that people are wearing on their shirts, purses, hats, and jackets. Whether they are pink or red, white, and blue, it is easy to spot cancer awareness pins. And, no matter who is wearing them, they are always happy to share their story or the story of their loved one who has passed away. One of the most prevalent colors is pink, pink ribbons are everywhere now days. But what are all those pink ribbons for?

Since cancer awareness pins came into existence, pink has always stood for breast cancer. The pink ribbons, pins, and other cancer awareness merchandise are all to help people become more aware of breast cancer and its effects on women, girls, and families all over the world. Breast cancer is one of the major cancers effecting women today, every year, over 200,000 American women alone are diagnosed with the disease. Over the course of the average American woman's life, she has a 1 in 8 chance of getting breast cancer, and a 1 in 33 chance of dying from it. But, with all the research that is being done today on breast cancer and other forms of cancer, the number of women who die from breast cancer each year is dropping.

Some of this decline is due in part to the push in cancer awareness through cancer awareness pins and cancer gifts that are becoming more prevalent throughout the United States and the world. With the help of the money received from these gifts, cancer treatment centers and research facilities can keep going and keep researching to find cures and medications that help to fight and kill the disease before it can do major damage to the body.

Cancer awareness pins aren't just made for breast cancer though. They come in all colors for different cancers, like gold for children's cancers. So, no matter the type of cancer you want to push into the spotlight when you go out, you can always find cancer awareness pins and cancer gifts to help you on your mission. There are thousands of shops, both on and off line, where you can order cancer awareness pins or cancer gifts from, all you need to do is search a little to find the gift that is right for you. You can also be sure that out of the money you spend on your cancer gift, part of it will go to cancer research and studies to help find cures for this horrible disease.

Cancer Awareness Ribbon Pins

Most people are familiar with the pink cancer awareness ribbons that symbolize breast cancer, it seems that these pink beauties are everywhere. But, did you know that there are many other kinds them out there that represent different kinds of cancer that affect women all around the world? You might have seen one or two different colored pins and not even known what they meant. Here are some of the other colors of cancer awareness ribbons so you will know what they mean the next time that you see them:

Teal This color of cancer awareness ribbons are for ovarian cancer. While this cancer isn't as prevalent as breast cancer, its numbers are, unfortunately, on the rise. So, when you see a teal cancer awareness ribbon or pin, you will know what they stand for.

Peach This color of cancer awareness ribbons are for uterine cancer. This type of cancer is also not one that is mentioned much, but is a killer if not detected early enough and fought correctly.

Lavender This color of are for gynecological cancer. This encompasses several different kinds of cancers, from ovarian to cervical, basically anything that has to do with the female reproductive organs falls under this category.

Teal and White This color are for cervical cancer. This cancer is hard to detect as well, unless it is screened for, but, when caught early, can be removed and treated.

All of these cancer awareness ribbons and pins are different colors to distinguish between the different types of cancer. It helps for survivors and loved ones to spread their message of hope and survival to those who may not have heard of this particular type of cancer and make sure that other women have their screenings to ensure that they catch these potentially fatal diseases early enough for treatments to be effective. So, the next time that you see different colored cancer awareness ribbon pins, be sure to ask the wearer about it and share their story with you. It might just be the motivation that you need to see your doctor and get screened or to push a friend or family member to get their screening. After all, women are more likely to push their friends and family to get in to see their doctors sooner than later. And, like the breast cancer pins and other types of cancer awareness merchandise, most of the proceeds go toward research and the search for a cure.

Asbestos Exposure Causes Mesothelioma

Although asbestos is no longer a commonly used material for building there has been a rise in the number of diseases caused by asbestos exposure. This is because the fibers that cause the problem take about 20 to 30 years to manifest. Thus, after a long period of dormancy the symptoms show up dramatically. What is even more dangerous is the fact that many of the symptoms are similar to other diseases, and so it is all the more difficult to find the real cause.

Asbestos is a material that was very popular as an insulator. It insulates very well, and it is fire retardant. As a result, it has been used in many buildings. Because asbestos is not a problem as long as it is not stirred up, many building that were built using it as insulation have not replaced the asbestos. But, exposure to this substance years ago may only now be manifesting itself in the form of cancer or even asbetosis (which cannot be cured).

People who work around old construction sites that involve demolition or remodeling are exposed to asbestos, as they inhale the small fibers. These microscopic fibers, inhaled through the mouth or nose are breathed into the body and come to rest in the lining of the lungs.

Since the illness takes decades to manifest, the damage is not immediately apparent. This can explain the rise in the number of poisoning cases today. Initially, the poisoning is likely to be diagnosed as lung disease since the symptoms are common.

The symptoms of diseases caused by asbestos fibers include increased shortness of breath over time and coughing. These symptoms come with other diseases, and are mistaken for less deadly illnesses. Since the symptoms do not appear to be too serious, they are often ignored. That is dangerous! So, when you experience a persistent cough or shortness of breath, get it checked at once.

Other symptoms related to asbestos disease include chest pain, hoarseness, and coughing up blood. These symptoms can be considered more dangerous if persisting, although their cause not often construed to be asbestos. It is important to have proper tests run if you experience these symptoms and know that you have probably been exposed to asbestos at some point in your life.

If you suspect asbestos exposure in your line of work, you must share your concerns with your doctor who can then refer you to a specialist. A specialist will help you figure out whether your problem is asbestos related or not. It is crucial to catch the signs and symptoms of asbestos early and start addressing the problem.

Although there is no cure for asbestos related illness the symptoms can certainly be treated. However, if it develops into lung cancer, you may have to go in for surgery. In other cases chemotherapy can be tried. Essentially, a healthy lifestyle is crucial in controlling asbestos symptoms.

Characteristics and Causes of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is not just one disease but rather a group of diseases. All forms of cancer cause cells in the body to change and grow out of control. Most types of cancer cells form a lump or mass called a tumor. Cells from the tumor can break away and travel to other parts of the body where they can continue to grow.

This spreading process is called metastasis. When cancer spreads, it is still named after the part of the body where it started. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lungs, it is still breast cancer, not lung cancer.

Another word for cancerous is malignant, so a cancerous tumor is referred to as malignant. But not all tumors are cancer. A tumor that is not cancer is called benign. Benign tumors do not grow and spread the way cancer does. They are usually not a threat to life.

A few cancers, such as blood cancers (leukemia), do not form a tumor. Most cancers are named after the part of the body where the cancer first starts. Lung cancer begins in the lungs. The lungs are two sponge-like organs in the chest. The right lung has three sections, called lobes. The left lung has two lobes. It is smaller because the heart takes up more room on that side of the body.

The lungs bring air in and out of the body, taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide gas, a waste product. The lining around the lungs, called the pleura, helps to protect the lungs and allows them to move during breathing. The windpipe (trachea) brings air down into the lungs. It divides into tubes called bronchi, which divide into smaller branches called bronchioles. At the end of these small branches are tiny air sacs known as alveoli.

Most cancers of the lungs start in the lining of the bronchi but they can also begin in other areas such as the trachea, bronchioles, or alveoli. Lung cancer often takes many years to develop. Once the cancer occurs, cancer cells can break away and spread to other parts of the body.

Cancer of the lung is a life- threatening disease because it often spreads in this way before it is found. It is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women. During the year 2000 there will be about 164,100 new cases of lung cancer in this country. About 156,900 people will die of this disease: about 89,300 men and 67,600 women.

More people die of cancer of the lung than of colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. Lung cancer is fairly rare in people under the age of 40. The average age of people found to have cancer of the lungs is 60. If the cancer is found and treated by surgery early, before it has spread to lymph nodes or other organs, the five-year survival rate is about 42%.

However, few cancers of the lung are found at this early stage. The five-year survival rate for all stages of lung cancer combined was 14% in 1995, the last year for which we have national data. A risk factor is something that increases a person's chance of getting a disease. Some risk factors, like smoking, can be controlled. Others, such as a person's age, can't be changed.

Smoking is by far the leading risk factor for lung cancer. More than 8 out of 10 diagnosed cancers of the lungs are thought to result from smoking. The longer a person has been smoking, and the more packs per day smoked, the greater the risk. If a person stops smoking before cancer develops, the lung tissue slowly returns to normal. Stopping smoking at any age lowers the risk of lung cancer.

Smoking Greatly Increases The Risk For Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the most deadly of all cancers. It is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women, according to the American Cancer society (ACS). More people die of this than of colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. The ACS predicts that in 2007 there will be about 213,380 new cases. Of this number, about 160,390 people will die.

Sadly, this can be prevented if people would stop smoking. Smoking is the root cause of eight out of 10 lung cancer cases diagnosed in the United States. The risk for getting this increases if a person has been smoking more than a pack of day for several years.

The risk is lowered if the person stops smoking before lung cancer is developed. Stopping smoking will allow the tissue to slowly return to normal.

And it is not just cigarettes that increase the risk. Cigar and pipes are also likely to increase the risks. Second hand smoke is just as dangerous. If your husband or wife smokes, you have a 30 percent greater risk of developing lung cancer than a person with a husband or wife that does not smoke.

However there are other risk factors, according to the AMS. They are:

* Exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma, another type of cancer that can begin in the lining of the lungs, is also linked to asbestos.
* Arsenic, which is often found in drinking water.
* Exposure to radon, which is found in the soil. Radon is odorless, colorless and is invisible to the naked eye.
* If you smoke marijuana, you may not know that marijuana cigarettes have more tar than regular cigarettes.
* If you have had a family member who has suffered from lung cancer, you are at a higher risk for being diagnosed yourself.
* Follow your mom's advice and eat your fruits and vegetables. A diet that is low in fruits and vegetables may increase your risk.

Most often people do not know they have it until it has spread. Early diagnosis increases your chance of surviving. According to the ACS, the most common symptoms are:

* A cough that does not go away
* Chest pain, often made worse by deep breathing
* Hoarseness
* Weight loss and loss of appetite
* Bloody or rust-colored sputum (spit or phlegm)
* Shortness of breath
* Infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia that keep coming back
* Wheezing

According to the ACS, there are two types of lung cancer. Non-small cell is the most common type, accounting for about 85 percent. Both types of usually begin on the bronchi, even though in some cases tumors may being elsewhere in the lungs.

Treatment for lung cancer can include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Your personal physician can advise you on the best treatments.

Making A Mesothelioma Claim: The Facts

Mesothelioma can take decades to emerge as a virulent form of cancer, though this is commonly recognised as having been the case in terms of seeking legal compensation.

In order to bring about a successful mesothelioma claim you should be able to provide your solicitor with the following information pertaining to your industrial diseases claim;

Where and when were you exposed to asbestos?
Were you responsible for your own safety at work; in other words were you answerable to anyone who should have monitored the exposure time for other individuals?
Do you have medical records as evidence to prove that your condition has come about as a result of asbestos exposure?

These are important factors be considered in any mesothelioma claim, and claims brought about where there is substantial medical evidence can result in considerable compensation for victims and their families if negligence by any employer under the terms of your employment contract can be proved.

Under government employment law any employer has a duty of care toward its employees and the rules are especially strict when dealing with hazardous substances like asbestos. If your exposure to dust was foreseeable within your employment contract and failure to implement health and safety restrictions are in evidence you will be eligible for a mesothelioma claim. The type of asbestos dust you were exposed to will also affect your case, as it determines whether your condition is likely to worsen over time.

It is important to remember however that a recent change in the law states that no one company should pay compensation to an individual if there is evidence that he or she was exposed to asbestos at other companies also.

This change was brought about so that no one company would have to forfeit liability for another company's negligence within the same industry, even if the second company is no longer in existence. It is important to take this into account when thinking of making your mesothelioma claim in case your solicitor needs to bring about multiple claims.

Your solicitor will also need to see evidence of loss of earnings that your condition has brought about. This will form the basis of your compensation claims worth. Any outgoings resulting from your condition past or future will be taken into account and will determine how much you can claim.

In order to find a good industrial claims solicitor, you can start your search for an industrial claims specialist on the Internet or contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau who will put you in touch with the nearest industrial disease expert.

Remember, it costs nothing to ask.

What is Mesothelioma and What to Do if You Have Been Diagnosed With It

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, but the deadliest one of all. It strikes about 3000 hard working people in the United States each year, mostly men over 40 years of age. It is caused by direct asbestos exposure, or from asbestos dust brought home on the worker's clothing.

During the twentieth century, around 30 million tons of asbestos were used in industrial sites, homes, schools, shipyards and commercial buildings in the United States. Many asbestos-containing products remain in buildings, ships, industrial facilities and other environments where the fibers can become airborne.

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the cells that make up the lining of the lungs, the inside of the ribs, and around the abdominal organs. In the past it was thought that cigarette smoking caused mesothelioma. However, with medical research it has been proven that it is caused by asbestos exposures.

Here's what the asbestos does. When a person breathes in asbestos fibers, the fibers then travel to the ends of the small air passages reaching the lining of the lungs and damaging the mesothelial cells (the lining of the lung cells). If swallowed, these fibers can reach the lining of the abdominal cavity where they play a part in causing a cancer called peritoneal mesothelioma. The chance of ever getting mesothelioma rises with the intensity and duration of your exposure to asbestos.

And you may not get mesothelioma right away. Mesothelioma can even develop 20 to 50 years after the initial exposure. The average life span of an inflicted person from the time of diagnosis with mesothelioma until death is less the 6 months. So, who's at risk?

People who work or used to work in asbestos environment, and spouses or children being exposed to asbestos fibers from work clothing brought home. Also, if you live in a house that was built in the mid 70's or before, you have to know that most insulation materials, including pipe insulation; boiler insulation; fireproofing spray; firebrick and gunnite (used for internal insulation of furnaces and boilers); also many construction materials, such as roof, floor and ceiling tiles contained asbestos. You too might be exposed to asbestos. You need to have your house checked for any asbestos presence.

If you have ever been exposed to asbestos directly or indirectly, early symptoms of mesothelioma can include shortness of breath and/or pain in the lower back or at the side of your chest. Less often, you can experience trouble swallowing, cough, fever, sweating, fatigue, and weight loss. So, these early symptoms sometimes may delay your diagnosis as these symptoms are also related to other illnesses. It will be up to you to mention to your doctor the possibility of asbestos exposure, because your doctor may not suspect it right away. Your doctor then, has to use x-rays, CT scans or a breathing test to detect the presence of asbestos. He or she can further perform a biopsy (taking samples of your lung tissue) to confirm it.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you were most likely exposed to asbestos. Many asbestos manufacturers and even distributors knew for decades that asbestos was hazardous, yet they did not warn people of those hazards. As a result, you have a right of recovery against those manufacturers, which on the other hand can help pay the costs of treatment and provide compensation for your pain and suffering.

The first thing you need to do after being diagnosed with mesothelioma is contact a lawyer immediately to see if you have a case. Think about the source of your exposure, regardless of how long ago that might have been. Try to find the responsible parties. Whether that was your spouse's work, your work, your parents' work, the house you lived in, or anything at all that might have exposed you to asbestos.

Also, you need to ask your lawyer about your statute of limitations. Even if your family member has died from mesothelioma, you may still be eligible to file a claim. Even if you've never worked at a place that directly dealt with asbestos but you have gotten it through asbestos fibers brought home on clothes worn by a spouse or parent who worked in an asbestos environment, you may still be eligible to file a claim.

If diagnosed with mesothelioma, your doctor can only do so much to save your life. It will be mostly you religiously following the health directions given to you by your doctor and educating yourself about mesothelioma. Your doctor can help you save your life, but you can also help him or her help you by knowing how to deal with it.

Disclaimer: The author and publisher of this article have done their best to give you useful, informative and accurate information. This article does not represent nor replace any professional advice you need to get from a lawyer, or doctor, or other professional if the content of the article involves an issue you are facing. The author, publishers and marketers of this information disclaim any loss or liability, either directly or indirectly as a consequence of applying the information presented herein, or in regard to the use and application of said information. No guarantee is given, either expressed or implied, in regard to the merchantability, accuracy, or acceptability of the information. Thank you.

What You Must Do to Make The Asbestos Companies Pay

Asbestos exposure is linked to several deadly diseases, including mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. More than 3,000 Americans are diagnosed every year with mesothelioma, a rare and extremely lethal form of cancer that is directly caused by exposure to asbestos. Since as early as the 1920s, asbestos companies have known that their products are dangerous and even deadly - yet they have continued to manufacture asbestos. If you or a family member is afflicted with mesothelioma or another asbestos disease, you are entitled to compensation.

Finding a reputable and aggressive attorney to file an asbestos lawsuit on your behalf is the first step in receiving the settlement you deserve. Given that asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma are extremely lethal, the average life expectancy after diagnosis is less than two years - high settlements are increasingly common. Multi-million dollar settlements enable victims to be compensated for their pain, suffering and expenses, and for family members to be protected financially when they are forced to face life without their loved one.

In order to make the asbestos companies pay you the settlement you deserve, you will need to present your attorney with several important pieces of information. First, it is beneficial to provide documented proof that you worked, or were deployed, in a situation that exposed you to asbestos. Be prepared to provide your asbestos lawyer with the name of the company you worked for and the time frame of your employment, as well as a description of your job. If you are not able to pinpoint the time and location of your exposure, many attorneys employ private investigators to research your claim and bolster your case.

You should also plan to provide your asbestos attorney with medical records regarding your specific diagnosis and prognosis. Your medical records or those of your loved ones will help to form an essential picture of the degree of your pain and suffering. This will aid a jury in affixing a dollar value to your asbestos award. If your case does not reach the trial stage, this information will bolster your attorneys negotiating position with the asbestos companies, who will try to get away with as small a negotiated settlement as possible.

Most importantly, you must act quickly to get the compensation you deserve from the asbestos companies. Many states have statutes of limitation, which dictate how long you have to file a claim. Since the diseases caused by asbestos exposure can take up to fifty years to manifest themselves, time may be of the essence.

Could Your Job Have Given You Lung Cancer?

Industrialization crept in fast and furious in the 1700s and after that for about 100 years the mineral asbestos was considered to be a miracle which could be used everywhere effectively and relatively cheaply. It became a must-have in all buildings as insulation and came to be used in all products that could be manufactured. But the late 1800s saw asbestos causing lung cancer in many who were exposed to it. But like the fate of most unpalatable reports this one too was ignored till such time as the condition started getting out of control and finally around 1931 the British government took note of the fact that people exposed to asbestos were at a great risk for lung cancer and this was followed by the United States in the early 1970s. Unfortunately this action was too late for those who had already been exposed and now faced the consequences of the disease.

Exposure to asbestos has resulted in the development of pleural plaques, asbestosis, lung scarring, lung cancer and a particularly nasty strain called mesothelioma. This strain is exclusive to asbestos and deals with the lining around the lungs called the pleura. It can strike a person even after a short exposure 10 or 20 years ago. If the person is a smoker, then the risk goes up 10 fold or more as compared to a non smoker who has maybe a risk 5 times greater than someone who is not exposed to asbestos.

Diagnosis of lung cancers due to exposure to asbestos is carried out through a combination of processes like the medical history, x-rays, MRIs, CAT tissue samples, scans and biopsies. Those with regular exposure must get themselves checked regularly to catch the problem in time as the incubation period is as long as 50 years. Early diagnosis plays its part here too as with all other cancers. Patients diagnosed with mesothelioma have a bad statistic report going as the survival rate is far from satisfactory. Some are even given as little as 8 to 10 weeks, but those who use a multi treatment approach have shown a 40% survival rate for 5 years at least which is as good as that of other cancers. The most responsive treatment for mesothelioma has come to light as being a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy but if the detection happens at a late stage, surgery may not be an option that is open anymore.

But the world of medical research does not sleep and there are advancements being made in the field of chemotherapy even as we speak. February of 2004 saw the first medicine approved by the FDA called Alimta produced by Eli Lilly. It was seen in the clinical trials that Alimta in combination with another drug called Cisplatin did a lot to better the life expectancy of the afflicted people. For those who know that death is imminent a hope that their life can be extended by even a few months works wonders and allows them the freedom to hope for a cure.

What is Mesothelioma and How Did I Get it?

If your doctor has told you that you have mesothelioma, you may still have a lot of basic questions about the disease.

If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you probably have many questions. One of the most basic questions asked by patients and their families is "What is Mesothelioma and how did I get it?"

There has been a lot of coverage in the press about this disease and you may already have a lot of information about Mesothelioma from your doctor.

Our purpose is to offer what we hope is a simple explanation and define some terms you will hear when you are talking to you doctor, so that you and your family can have a solid understanding of the disease.

Before you can understand Mesothelioma, you have to understand asbestos (the substance that causes Mesothelioma). Asbestos is actually just a commercial name for a naturally occurring mineral.

Asbestos is a fibrous silicate that was commonly used in insulation and construction materials, as well as electrical insulation, fireproofing materials, roofing, and filters, because it offered high heat resistance. This mineral was also used to make automobile brakes at one time.

If you or a loved one worked for a company that made asbestos-containing products, or if you lived or live in a house that still has asbestos insulation, that is probably the source of your illness. The U.S. government has since regulated the amount of asbestos that can be used in any product and how and where these products can be used or installed.

Because asbestos is so fibrous, tiny threadlike fibers can circulate in the air and water within or around a house or business containing asbestos materials.

Therein lies the problem!

With prolonged exposure to asbestos you can sustain gradual but serious damage to your lungs.

The medical term 'mesothelioma' relates to the area of your body that is affected by the asbestos fibers when you inhale them. The 'mesothelium' is a two-layered membrane that protects most of your internal organs. One of these layers envelopes the organ, and the other layer forms a sac around the organ and the first layer to protect it even further. In between these two layers is a volume of fluid that lubricates everything, and allows flexible movement so that the heart can beat and the lungs can expand and contract without rubbing against other structures in your body.

The 'peritoneal' mesothelium covers the abdominal cavity, and the 'pleural' mesothelium covers and protects the lungs and the chest cavity, whereas the 'pericardial' mesothelium protects the heart. When you inhale asbestos into your lungs, the cells around these inhaled fibers become abnormal or cancerous. And these rogue cells damage the tissue and the organs near the site of invasion. Because asbestos is inhaled, most cases of mesothelioma start in the pleural or the peritoneal mesothelium (because they are the closest to the lungs).

The three most common diseases caused by asbestos are 'asbestosis' (a non-cancerous form of lung disease), lung cancer and mesothelioma (a cancer that starts within the layers of the mesothelium).
The symptoms of mesothelioma do not appear for years after exposure (sometimes as long as 50 years later), and may begin as shortness of breath or pain in the chest. These symptoms come from a build-up of fluid in the pleural cavity. If the disease is in the peritoneal mesothelium, your symptoms may start as weight loss and abdominal pain as your abdomen fills with fluid.

To diagnose mesothelioma, your doctor will look for a history of exposure to asbestos at work or at home and he will perform a physical, including x-rays and possibly a lung function test. He may order a CT (CAT) scan or MRI to get more information.
Ultimately, your doctor will need to take a biopsy to positively confirm that mesothelioma is present. A surgeon will remove a small sample of tissue from your body so that it can be tested and examined for disease.

If you have mesothelioma, your doctor will try to figure out what 'stage' the disease is in - in other words, how long have you had the disease - so he can determine how best to treat the disease.
Treatments include surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy or a combination of these treatments.
Your doctor will talk to you about the possible tests for mesothelioma, your specific test results and his treatment recommendations.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

The term "Mesothelioma" in medical terms is defined as form of cancer that proliferates at a very fast rate after it has been diagnosed, which affects the mesothelial cells in the body. After detailed study of this disease by several scientists all over the world, it has been concluded that in most of the cases the reason is the direct contact with loose asbestos particles. This disease is generally known to be derived from an abnormality that arises from inhaling the loose asbestos particles suspended in the air for a very long time. The chances of the patients, diagnosed of mesothelioma, have very bleak chances of survival which is not more than one or two years and if it has been detected long back and rigorous medication has been started on the patient then the patient is likely to live for about five years.

There are three types of mesothelioma but the symptoms of the diseases depend on their kinds. The symptoms vary from one-another but the general symptoms that are found in patients suffering from different types of mesothelioma are weight loss, chest pain, loss of appetite, short breath , plain cough and cough with blood. Diagnosing mesothelioma in its initial stages is not possible because symptoms surface very late and that, these symptoms are no special signs indicating the particular disease but are common for other diseases too.

Generally the symptoms of mesothelioma resemble to that to any other normal lung diseases. Most of the symptoms arise in the lungs, where the mesothelial cells covering the lungs and the cavity between them are affected due to prolonged inhalation of asbestos fibers. Consulting with the physician is very necessary from time to time and necessary test must be conducted to detect the disease.

The main symptom of mesothelioma is a constant pain in the chest which is followed by short breaths and difficult breathing because of accumulation of fluid in the chest, which makes breathing all the more difficult. Some of the other symptoms of the disease include abnormalities in the lungs, which can be diagnosed under proper supervision of the doctor with a chest CT-scan.

Basically, the disease of mesothelioma advances in four stages. In the first stage, begins the formation of the tumor in the area of lining of the lung and doesn't exceed from one side of the lung. And then in the second stage the tumor extends to other organs in the chest cavity, such as heart. Then in the third stage its extents to the other abdominal organs affecting all the other organs too. Finally in the fourth and the last stage the tumor extends to all parts of the body and affects all the parts adversely. These are some of the symptoms of the disease of mesothelioma, by which the disease can be tracked in the initial stages of its occurrence.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

Tips On Choosing Your Mesothelioma Attorney

As with all sicknesses and injuries that were caused as a result of someone else's carelessness or recklessness, we want those responsible for asbestos sicknesses to be held responsible for their contributions to the current injuries and sufferings of those who have developed mesothelioma. As a result there is an entire group of attorneys around the country who have dedicated the vast majority of their practice solely to litigation in regards to mesothelioma. These men and women have become known as mesothelioma attorneys as that is most of what they practice.

There are many people who highly recommend using these attorneys because of the specialized skills they have in presenting this very case. I actually urge caution. The success rate for these cases is not very high, especially when you consider those who actually were awarded enough money to actually cover the attorney fees charged.

There are a few benefits to using a mesothelioma attorney. Among those benefits are the facts that these attorneys know more about mesothelioma than many of the doctors who have diagnosed it. They have made this their life's work and have studied it inside out. They are fonts of knowledge and knowledge can be useful in court cases. Another benefit to these attorneys is that they often work on a contingency fee basis meaning that if you don't get paid they don't get paid. Be careful however that they don't have things arranged so that they get the larger portion of your settlement than you will actually receive or that you will run the risk of owing more than you are awarded.

The downside to these types of lawyers is that for the most part you are a case number to them and nothing more. Your suffering is not at all personal to them and they are unlikely to do more than pretend otherwise while trying to win your business. Once you've signed the dotted line agreeing to have them represent you it is very likely that you will be put to see in a dingy with no shore in sight and no one to help you navigate these often treacherous waters. Be sure that you have spoken to the attorney that you are considering hiring and that he or she is aware that he or she is working for you and that you expect them to honor that and be there for your every question.

Whether you choose to select a seasoned pro for your mesothelioma attorney or to go with someone who has less experience but makes you feel more valued as a client, be sure to watch every step of the way and ask any questions that you may have in regards to your case from the beginning. A legal case, particularly one of the size and scope of the mesothelioma suit can become the center of your existence for a while. Everyone in these cases is playing to win and the lawyers are the only ones laughing their way to the bank.

Top 10 Things to Ask Your Mesothelioma Attorney

Mesothelioma is a rare and extremely lethal form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Individuals who have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles are at the greatest risk. Since as early as the 1920s, asbestos corporations have been aware of the risks; yet they have continued to irresponsibly manufacture and distribute asbestos.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or if a family member has died as a result of mesothelioma, then you are entitled to recover compensation through a mesothelioma lawsuit against the companies that made these asbestos products. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, the average settlement today is $1,000,000. If the case goes to trial, the average award jumps to $6,000,000.

The first step in getting the compensation you deserve is finding an asbestos attorney. With more than 3000 Americans diagnosed every year with mesothelioma, the number of attorneys involved in mesothelioma lawsuits is growing exponentially. In order to find the best person to advocate for you and your familys needs, you should select an attorney that has the required experience and skill to aggressively represent your interests. The following ten questions can guide you in this process.

1. Am I eligible to file a mesothelioma lawsuit? Many states have statute of limitations on tort cases, so it is important to contact a lawyer quickly.

2. Would you handle my case on an individual basis or as part of a class action suit? Some larger firms may already have settlement agreements with particular asbestos companies, which might preclude them from taking on your case.

3. What is your personal experience in representing mesothelioma patients? How many cases have you personally handled?

4. What is your track record? How many of your cases are settled? How many went to trial? And what were the results of each case?

5. Does your firm specialize in asbestos cases? How many other attorneys work on mesothelioma cases? What kind of support staff and resources are available to you in researching and arguing my case?

6. Do you intend to handle my case personally? Many attorneys outsource the research to another law firm, in exchange for part of their fee. This may not be in your best interest.

7. How will fees be handled for my case? Most mesothelioma attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means that they receive a percentage of your compensation award. A typical contingency percentage in mesothelioma lawsuits is 33 to 40 percent of your settlement. If your suit is not successful, then the attorneys earn nothing.

8. What can I expect from my mesothelioma lawsuit? Ask the attorney to outline the preparation process and trial procedures, and to describe your role in each stage. These questions will not only help you to learn more about the litigation process, but also about the attorneys communication skills and style.

9. How long do you expect the research stage to last? What information and input will you need from me, from my family and from my doctor?

10. Which jurisdiction will my case be tried in? Average compensation varies by region, which is important to keep in mind if you were exposed to asbestos in more than one state or county.

Top 10 Things to Ask Your Mesothelioma Attorney

Mesothelioma is a rare and extremely lethal form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Individuals who have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles are at the greatest risk. Since as early as the 1920s, asbestos corporations have been aware of the risks; yet they have continued to irresponsibly manufacture and distribute asbestos.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or if a family member has died as a result of mesothelioma, then you are entitled to recover compensation through a mesothelioma lawsuit against the companies that made these asbestos products. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, the average settlement today is $1,000,000. If the case goes to trial, the average award jumps to $6,000,000.

The first step in getting the compensation you deserve is finding an asbestos attorney. With more than 3000 Americans diagnosed every year with mesothelioma, the number of attorneys involved in mesothelioma lawsuits is growing exponentially. In order to find the best person to advocate for you and your familys needs, you should select an attorney that has the required experience and skill to aggressively represent your interests. The following ten questions can guide you in this process.

1. Am I eligible to file a mesothelioma lawsuit? Many states have statute of limitations on tort cases, so it is important to contact a lawyer quickly.

2. Would you handle my case on an individual basis or as part of a class action suit? Some larger firms may already have settlement agreements with particular asbestos companies, which might preclude them from taking on your case.

3. What is your personal experience in representing mesothelioma patients? How many cases have you personally handled?

4. What is your track record? How many of your cases are settled? How many went to trial? And what were the results of each case?

5. Does your firm specialize in asbestos cases? How many other attorneys work on mesothelioma cases? What kind of support staff and resources are available to you in researching and arguing my case?

6. Do you intend to handle my case personally? Many attorneys outsource the research to another law firm, in exchange for part of their fee. This may not be in your best interest.

7. How will fees be handled for my case? Most mesothelioma attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means that they receive a percentage of your compensation award. A typical contingency percentage in mesothelioma lawsuits is 33 to 40 percent of your settlement. If your suit is not successful, then the attorneys earn nothing.

8. What can I expect from my mesothelioma lawsuit? Ask the attorney to outline the preparation process and trial procedures, and to describe your role in each stage. These questions will not only help you to learn more about the litigation process, but also about the attorneys communication skills and style.

9. How long do you expect the research stage to last? What information and input will you need from me, from my family and from my doctor?

10. Which jurisdiction will my case be tried in? Average compensation varies by region, which is important to keep in mind if you were exposed to asbestos in more than one state or county.

All About a Mesothelioma Lawyer

When someone is diagnosed with mesothelioma, they may find that they need an attorney to help them with their case. This is a disease that is rare, and there is little to be said about the condition. The rate of this disease is on the increase and there are new lawyers that are trying to settle many cases for different people. They have stepped in for the rights of the people to help them with their case.

Many victims of this disease need to have a mesothelioma lawyer to help them with their fight. These lawyers and law firms will deal with the victims and their families to help them claim the right compensation that they deserve from the companies that are responsible for their problems. These lawsuits result in a lot of money being won by the families when the right lawyer or firm handles them.

Handling asbestos causes mesothelioma. This comes from working in an environment that is affected by this deadly material or by someone that is contracted to remove it. Most of the time, the workers are made clear of the dangers that can be caused by working with this type of material. However, some employers will allow little or no protection from the material when the employees are handling it. These workers are entitled to compensation for their work.

Today there are many mesothelioma lawyers to choose from and there are many that are right for you. Many of these lawyers have dealt with this type of suit in the past and know the correct way to handle it. Those people that are looking for a lawyer should choose someone with a good history and experience in this type of case. Most lawyers are happy to provide clients with information that may be helpful in using them for your services. They will show past cases with the names deleted to show proof of their victory.

It is a good idea to find out if the mesothelioma lawyer that you are looking into has won any of their cases or not. These elements can make all the difference when it comes to trying to find the right lawyer to help you with your situation. It is a good idea to do as much research as you can on the entire situation. You may be able to determine your future when you choose their right mesothelioma lawyer for you and your case.

When it comes to being sick with a disease that could have been prevented, it is hard to deal with. Finding the right mesothelioma lawyer to help you in your fight against these companies is a good start. You will be fighting for something that means so much to a lot of people and it will be worth it in the end.

Asbestos: The Fireproof People Killer

Asbestos is the Greek term given to a group of fibrous materials that are derived from metamorphic rocks. Asbestos fibers have been used for many different purposes throughout history. Asbestos is a very heat and fire resistant material; meaning that it is fireproof. Because of its heat resistant properties, it was once used to make candlewicks, brake pads for automobiles, and fireproof materials such as blankets and other types of clothing normally worn by fire fighters. It was also used in many buildings that were built before 1980 because of its heat resistant and insulating properties.

However, it did not matter how fireproof the asbestos materials was in the past or in the present, it still was responsible for killing thousands of people. It protected the victims from being burned on the outside, however the damage that the asbestos did to the lungs and the inside parts of the body are innumerable.

Asbestos is known to cause a condition known as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is the deadliest illness known to man. The average life expectancy of someone who has mesothelioma is about 24 months. There are thousands of reported cases of mesothelioma every year; and the only known cause of the disease is asbestos. It has been proven that the victims of mesothelioma are those who worked long, hard years in America's factories, mines, construction and other laborious jobs.

The asbestos that they breathed in while working on the job is the known cause of mesothelioma. The particles that they breathed in while working slowly deteriorated the lining of their lung and hearts and eventually lead to cancer. The sad thing about this disease is that the companies that these heard working men and women worked for knew about the dangers of asbestos to the human body and did nothing to protect their employees. These men and women would work all day while breathing asbestos. They would then bring the particles home with them on their clothes and put their spouses and children in danger of asbestos exposure.

Thousands of people today have been exposed to asbestos and are finding that mesothelioma is starting to develop. Mesothelioma is not a disease that suddenly occurs. It is a disease that results after years of breathing in the asbestos particles and fibers. It is estimated that some people can breathe asbestos fiber for as long as 30-40 years before mesothelioma can occur. If you or your loved one has been exposed to asbestos and the company did nothing to protect its employees from the dangers of asbestos, you may choose to seek compensation and file a lawsuit.

So, although asbestos is a fireproof material that is useful in many things, it is neither useful nor fireproof inside the human body. Asbestos can protect one on the outside, but it can also kill on the inside.

The History of Asbestos-Related Mesothelioma

Asbestos is a fiber that was once used in construction as insulation and fireproofing. Asbestos fibers are small and toxic, easily entering the body through the lungs and causing a number of health problems. Exposure to asbestos can cause a variety of diseases, including lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the meosthelium or protective lining that covers the body's internal organs, most notably the lining of the lungs and chest, known as the pleura. While mesothelioma can be caused by other factors, the majority of cases are linked to asbestos exposure.

Asbestos-related mesothelioma first gained attention in 1929 when the first lawsuit against asbestos manufacturers was filed. Both sides settled and agreed to avoid pursuing similar cases in the future, and asbestos harmful effects yet again dropped off the radar.

In 1960, however, asbestos and mesothelioma were in the news again. In a paper published by Wagner et al, asbestos was declared as the official cause of mesothelioma. The paper cited more than 30 cases of mesothelioma in people who were either working in asbestos mines or spent a good deal of time in proximity to asbestos. Two years later, an Australian asbestos worker was diagnosed with the first case of malignant mesothelioma. He worked in the asbestos mines in Wittenoom, Australia for just two years before developing the disease.

Wittenoom would eventually become a mesothelioma nightmare. A mining town that revolved around the asbestos mills, the mines asbestos waste had an affect on many who lived there, whether or not they worked in the mines. Toxic levels of the mines asbestos were found on playgrounds, and cases of mesothelioma began to crop up in mine workers and non-mine workers alike. Mining in Wittenoom lasted from 1943 to 1966 despite the existence of proof that asbestos caused mesothelioma and other serious medical conditions.

The mines were owned and operated by CSR Limited, a company that produced aluminum and construction materials including asbestos insulation. The company didn't take proper safety precautions to control the exposure of individuals to asbestos from the mines.

In fact, during the period that CSR Limited Wittenoom mines were in operation, thousands of mine workers, their families, and visitors were exposed to lethal amounts of asbestos. There were regulations in place at the time as to how to control asbestos exposure for mine operators; CSR Limited simply didn't follow them.

The Western Australia Health Department issued several warnings to CSR, but they failed to make any changes to protect the miners and townspeople, even after many cases of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases began to spring up.

In the late 1970's the Western Australian government began shutting down the town of Wittenoom because it was no longer safe to live there. Asbestos levels were far too toxic, and, eventually, at least a third of those exposed to asbestos in Wittenoom would be diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

In 1979, suits were brought against CSR Limited, and they were found to have shown conscious negligence and disregard for the safety of the mine workers and the town. Even now, new cases of mesothelioma related to the Wittenoom tragedy are being diagnosed, costing CSR Limited millions of dollars in settlements.

Asbestos is still widely used in many products today, despite its toxicity. Attempts to legislate a ban on asbestos, so far, has been overturned by the courts. The EPA has resources available to provide you with information about asbestos, asbestos-related products, and how to control your asbestos exposure.

How To Find The Best Mesothelioma Doctors

Mesothelioma is a very rare kind of tumor that develops in the mesothelium - a membrane that surrounds the chest cavity, the cavity around the heart, as well as the abdominal cavity. The job of the mesothelium is also to protect nearly all of the body's internal organs. Mesothelioma can be benign and although it impacts the effectiveness of the internal organs, the tumor mass can be surgically removed. On the other hand, cancerous mesothelioma usually develops through the exposure to asbestos and over 3000 Americans die from this disease every year. According to mesothelioma doctors, the death rate for mesothelioma will peak within a decade, with a 3-1 ration between men and women who contract the disease.

Anybody who was ever employed in the construction industry where asbestos was used, or within any industry for that matter where they were exposed to this product should seriously consider consulting with a mesothelioma doctor. Even if patients do not display any of the typical symptoms of problems related to asbestos exposure, they should realize that many of these symptoms would only develop decades after exposure.

The initial diagnosis of the disease may or may not be through mesothelioma doctors. If patients are suffering from lung or abdominal problems, they might first consult with an ordinary doctor who looks through his or her past and finds the link between the complaints and asbestos. The doctors will look for telltale signs such as work history, facial and neck swelling, high levels of CEA in the lungs, and others. A biopsy will be required to confirm a mesothelioma diagnosis and once this is confirmed, the patient's next step is to find the best mesothelioma doctor available.

Mesothelioma is a rare condition and only doctors who are familiar with asbestos related diseases can give patients the best treatment available. An early diagnosis is very important as the disease spreads rapidly and patients should feel very comfortable with their treating physicians.

To find the best mesothelioma doctors around, patients should consider contacting hospitals or treatment centers that deal with lung disease. Ideally, these institutions will do regular research relating to mesothelioma and the doctor will specialize in this field. New developments are taking place in the medical industry every day and any good mesothelioma doctor will be aware of these new trends and treatments. While some patients are told that there is no cure for the disease, many are finding answers with some of the best mesothelioma doctors out there who manage to keep abreast with current research.

Building a Strong Mesothelioma Case

Have you been diagnosed with mesothelioma? Have you been told that your mesothelioma is the result of prolonged asbestos exposure? Does your insurance company give you problems over medical payments because of the lack of true evidence that your mesothelioma was work related and began decades ago? If you answered yes to these questions, you have grounds to file a mesothelioma lawsuit.

In order to build a good, strong mesothelioma case, the first thing you should do is gather all of your medical diagnosis papers and any past documentation of your work. Past documentation could include pay stubs, tax papers, or any other documents that shows where you worked. You will also want to gather all of your insurance information and documentation as well. Your mesothelioma lawyer will request all of this information in order to begin your case.

Once you have given your lawyer all of the necessary paperwork, you want to keep in contact with your lawyer and let them know of your progression. Most lawyers will work with you and even come to your home if you are unable to come to their offices. Be honest with the information that you provide to the lawyer. Do not hold or hid any information. Everything you say to your lawyer will help him or her work successfully on your case.

It is good to plan for the unknown. Mesothelioma can be deadly. You should speak with your lawyer and your family about any directives that give them guidance on your condition and your case just in case you are no longer able to speak for yourself. Put this in writing. This is a very important part of building a strong case. If you do become unable to speak for yourself and there are not instructions for anyone else, your case will weaken and possibly end. So, you want to be sure everyone knows what to do in the unknown.

Inform your mesothelioma attorney of the names of anyone else who could have been exposed to asbestos as a result of you bringing the fibers home on your clothes. These people would be the ones who lived with you when you worked for the company where you were exposed to asbestos. They also may be in danger of mesothelioma.

Building a good, strong mesotheloma case is something that you can discuss with your attorney. They will be able to tell you what all you need to build your case. Each case is unique and individual, so your mesothelioma attorney will be able to tell you which ways would work best for your case so that you can build a very strong case.

Mesothelioma Information

Mesothelioma in itself is one of the deadliest diseases ever to have been discovered by mankind. Medically, Mesothelioma as a word itself means a tumor that is more likely to transform in a fast proliferating cancer which affects the mesothelial cells of an organ, which form the protective thin covering over the organs like heart, lungs and abdomen.

Whatever is the verbal definition given out to this deadly disease, but those can never for sure weigh the deadliness of this fatal disease. It is an absolutely fatal disease which has taken many a people into its deadly grip. The maximum period of survival after the disease has been diagnosed, has come to the most of a year or two. It is worse form of cancer which is not curable. However, recent studies have suggested that if the disease can be diagnosed at a very early stage then the life of the individual who gets affected by this deadly disease, can be stretched till at the most of 5 years. The treatment of this disease is very expensive but the treatment doesn't assure life but a few more days, to procure the huge lump-sum required for the treatment, people also file lawsuits to cover the huge incurring expenses for the treatment.

The main cause of mesothelioma has been detected as to the prolonged exposure to asbestos. Most of the patients that have been diagnosed with the disease, had acquired the disease cause of prolonged exposure to asbestos. The statistics of the mesothelioma patients has revealed the connection between the asbestos and the dangerous cancer syndrome.

And usually this disease is found to affect people and workers who work in industries. Usually, industries use asbestos as an imperative input for carrying on different processes; it is being used in factories, automobile, shipyard and construction. Direct exposure to loose asbestos fibers can develop the symptoms of mesothelioma, but the infected cells can remain dormant in the body for a long period of about 15-20 years.

But the worst par of the disease is the fact that this disease generally gets detected in older days i.e. at the age of 50-60 years and also mostly in the last stage. Thereby, reducing the chances of the individual's recovery. So this is very necessary that people who are likely to take in much asbestos particles should be scanned regularly for any symptoms of mesothelioma.

Government policies have empowered the mesothelioma patients to claim for compensation. They can file lawsuits with the help of their attorneys for claiming such compensation. The mesothelioma victims can sue the company in which he had been employed into, for not being socially rational, but being more inclined towards the flowing profits, and not undertaking any steps to slacken the use of asbestos or using in a more protective way which has resulted in endangering the lives of the employees.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Information

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the peritoneum of the human abdominal cavity. Hence, this medical condition is also called as abdominal mesothelioma.

But before seeing more about peritoneal mesothelioma, let us first take a look at the classifications and functions of the peritoneum membrane.

Peritoneum is classified into visceral and parietal peritoneum. The visceral peritoneum envelops the abdominal organs and forms the periphery of the intestinal tract. On the other hand, parietal peritoneum covers the abdominal cavity. The purpose of these layers is to protect the internal organs and to secrete a lubricating fluid that eases the movement of internal organs in the abdominal cavity.

Causes of Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Even though not a definitive explanation, it is widely considered that asbestos is the main cause for peritoneal mesothelioma. According to medical experts, in two ways asbestos dust could reach the intestine lining one through involuntary ingestion during working long hours and days amid asbestos, and secondly, through the lungs while breathing and hence along the lymph nodes to the peritoneal cavity. Either way, it is injurious to the human body, and may invariably lead to this cancerous condition if exposed to for a longer period of time.

Symptoms of Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Peritoneal mesothelioma, like the other forms of mesothelioma, shows a very long latency period and it wont be until 20-30 years since the asbestos-exposure days before any typical symptoms becomes apparent. But by then it will be too late to check the disease or provide any constructive medication or treatment. Further, a delay in diagnosing the disease can happen due to the fact that most of the symptoms of mesothelioma is not-specific and may resemble that of some other common and less serious diseases. For example, the common mesothelioma symptoms include anemia, fever, weight loss, abdominal pain, and bowel obstruction, and it is highly likely that the doctor initially may consider other options than contemplating cancer. Therefore, the patient telling the doctor about any previous asbestos exposure in the first one-to-one interaction itself is very crucial, and that helps the doctor to think of a possible mesothelioma threat even before considering other possibilities.


Once the disease has been diagnosed, the doctor recommends the treatments based on several factors such as the extent of the damage, age and medical history of the person and overall health. The traditional treatments for mesothelioma include surgery if the tumor has spread out and is beyond radiation-curable radiation therapy, external and internal radiation, and chemotherapy, which includes using a pill or needle to insert anti-carcinogen drugs into the body.

With the advancement in science and technology, newer treatment techniques have been introduced, and some of it is looking promising as well.

Intraoperative photodynamic therapy is one such newer method that uses special drugs and light to destroy cancer cells. This method is used to study the earlier phases of mesothelioma in the chest.

Further, Immunotherapy is a way of boosting the immunity of ones own body against the spread of cancer. Also, recently, researches have found that Gene Therapy is effective in correcting the faulty genes causing mesothelioma. But these two methods are still in the clinical trials and are yet to be implemented in hospitals.

Even though a wide range of treatments are available for mesothelioma, clinical experiences reveals that none of this alone is capable of checking the disease effectively. Therefore, it is a selected combination of some of these treatments called the "multimodality approach" that is commonly followed and the different modes of treatments to be used are decided by the doctor based on the given medical condition of the patient and his/her age.

Tail Piece Passive exposure to asbestos can also lead to mesothelioma. This happens when asbestos fibers reach the domestic setup through clothes dirties with asbestos dust. Therefore it is advisable that those handling asbestos may change their clothes before returning home or going to any public place.

Mesothelioma Hope and Help

The detrimental nature of being diagnosed with mesothelioma has become widely recognized, and the unfortunate fact that asbestos-related illnesses are far reaching is only lately becoming understood. While most mesothelioma patients have had jobs where they have had a higher than average contact with asbestos, it is now apparent that they brought home more than just hugs to their family members at the end of a long day.

Asbestos-related illnesses including mesothelioma take many years to show their full effects, and often family members are now reporting cases of mesothelioma simply from their exposure on the clothing their hard working loved one.

After over 50 years of unregulated asbestos usage throughout the United States, the number of mesothelioma lawsuit cases skyrocketed. Attorneys were forced to become asbestos specialists, and mesothelioma lawyers soon realized they were dealing with a long term epidemic.

In April 2003, it was suggested that the number of mesothelioma cases had peaked, but mesothelioma lawyers disagree as their rate for filing mesothelioma lawsuits has once again begun a steady incline. mesothelioma lawyers fear that their clients will not be able to bring enough companies into accountability as there is an overload of mesothelioma lawsuits floating through district specific courtrooms.

New York mesothelioma lawyers predict there will be a huge influx over the next ten years when the devastation of 911 is taken into account. The free floating asbestos that circulated through the city can have staggering effects on mesothelioma lawsuits nationwide and perhaps even worldwide.

If you are in need of reaching a mesothelioma settlement in order to take care of your medical needs as well as your family's financial future, mesothelioma lawyers can assist you in understanding your rights to file a mesothelioma lawsuit. mesothelioma settlements are designed to protect your family in the event of your financial loss, as well as protect your family from the financial devastation that asbestos related cancers can cause on a family's income and ability to provide.

Mesothelioma lawyers predict that many people who were affected from the 911 destruction do not realize they have the right to sue the city. While numerous people, whether it was their job or not, risked their lives for the sake of others, the city has yet to come to a reasonable mesothelioma settlement with those who were there to protect and serve, including those in governmental positions at the time. Do not hesitate to contact a mesothelioma lawyer even if you simply suspect you are carrying an asbestos-related illness. Time is precious, and a mesothelioma lawyer can help you make the most of your time.

Research and a Good Mesothelioma Lawyer

When someone believes that they may have cancer, the first thing they should do is go see their doctor. If this problem does become a reality, the next thing they should do is become educated.

Information is your best weapon in the battle against cancer. When you educate yourself on every aspect of a situation you are then in a much better position to deal with it effectively. You are going to want to know everything about your ailment, including the cause of it, descriptions of each symptom and the latest treatment that is available. In some cases you are going to want to know how to hire a lawyer to seek justice and reparations.

Research is a very valuable thing if you learn that you have cancer. There is plenty of information available on the internet today about any medical condition that exists. Google and keyword searches should become a regular part of your life. There is also a lot of information available online about attorneys, support groups, hospitals, and physicians that deal with mesothelioma cancer or any other condition.

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the lining around the exterior of the lungs as well as the inside region of the ribs, or pleura and the abdominal organs, or peritoneum. This disease is caused basically by having previous exposure to asbestos fibers. Currently in the United States there is no other known cause of it other than asbestos exposure.

This disease begins in the lining of the chest cavity next to the lungs and heart. As it progresses it spreads through the wall of the chest to the heart and other vital organs. Eventually, it can spread to all the organs throughout the body and the most severe cases at this stage are usually terminal.

If you suspect that you may have mesothelioma cancer it is very important that you schedule an appointment to see your doctor immediately. Do not hesitate for early detection can save your life. Having tests done does not mean that you have cancer, it just means you would rather be safe than sorry. If you do receive a mesothelioma diagnosis, the sooner you address the problem the better your chances are to treat it effectively.

If you do not have health insurance or a primary care doctor then you can go to a state or county run hospital and apply for a government sponsored insurance programs. If you qualify you can receive low-cost or no-cost insurance to cover the cost of your doctor's appointments, lab tests, prescription drugs, therapy, etc... Almost every major city in the United States has a county or state run hospital that provides care for those who cannot afford medical insurance.

While your primary concern will be with taking care of your health if you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may also want to think about whether or not you may have a lawsuit. Many companies have ignored the laws that have been established by the federal government over the past few decades and this has been the cause of many mesothelioma lawsuit cases.

The motive behind law breaking companies regarding asbestos use is usually greed. It can be very expensive to comply with the FDA regulations, and this can cut into their bottom line profits. Instead of spending the money to replace old asbestos materials at their work facilities they would rather pocket the money for themselves. As stated earlier, mesothelioma sometimes does not show up for decades after the asbestos exposure occurs, so a lot of business owners and corporate executives may feel that they will never be linked to the cause if one of their retired or former employees gets mesothelioma many years after working for them.

There is no shortage of mesothelioma lawyers on the internet that will fight on your behalf to get you justice and money.

Thanks to scientific, medical and legal research there are now ways to link negligent or illegal business practices to people who have mesothelioma. Many law-breaking companies in the United States have been ordered to pay huge fines and reparations to their employees that have contracted mesothelioma because of an illegal use of asbestos material in their workplaces. Attorneys that handle these types of cases are in abundance these days and most of them will give you a free consultation to determine if you have a lawsuit or not.

If you have never used a lawyer before and you do not know one, you can always find one on the internet. Just make sure you try to do as much research as you can about the attorney you are planning to use before you hire them or you may get taken for a lot of money. Remember, if you are diagnosed with mesothelioma you should get educated on the topic. Google and keyword searches are there to give you all the information you need about your condition and the best ways to deal with it.