Monday, February 7, 2011

The PSA Test - How Does It Work

The purpose of this article is to remove some of the mystery surrounding the PSA test and its use in signaling the potential presence of prostate cancer.

The cells of the prostate gland produce prostate-specific antigen. A rectal exam and a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test will help detect prostate cancer in men age 50 or over. The Federal Drug Administration approved the use of the PSA test to detect prostate cancer and to see if the cancer has recurred. A high PSA level is a sign that cancer is present. There are other reasons for a high PSA level and PSA screening has some limits.

The PSA test measures the level of protein produced by the prostate gland. The doctor will take a blood sample and send it to a laboratory. This test is sometimes called a biological marker for cancer tumors. Men normally have low levels of PSA in their blood. If the rate is high, it could point to prostate cancer but it can mean there are other non-cancer conditions present in the prostate. As men get older, prostate cancer and other prostate problems become more of a problem. Enlarged prostate and prostatitis may raise the PSA levels in the blood. Neither of these problems causes cancer but it is possible for a man with one of these problems to develop prostate cancer.
The PSA level will not tell the doctor if the patient has a benign prostate problem or cancer. The doctor will use the PSA test to decide if there should be a check for other signs of prostate cancer.

The Federal Drug Administration approved the PSA test to be used with a rectal exam to check for any abnormalities in the prostate. The doctor will insert a gloved finger into the rectum to check for lumps or areas that seem abnormal. The PSA test is used with this rectal exam to detect cancer in men, especially those who have no symptoms. The FDA also approved the test for patients who have had prostate cancer to see if the cancer has come back.

The PSA test is highly recommended for men over the age of 50. If the patient has a high risk factor for prostate cancer, the doctor may recommend PSA testing to start at age 45. There are some risk factors a man should look at if a doctor recommends routine screening. Age is the most common risk factor, but if there is a family history of prostate cancer you have a greater chance of having it too. African-American has the largest risk of contacting prostate cancer. Native American and Asian men have the lowest rates of this disease. Some think this might be because a diet that is high in animal fat may increase the chance of getting prostate cancer.

If a man shows a high PSA level in his blood the doctor may look for other causes before doing more screening for prostate cancer. If the patients have no other symptoms, you may be advised to watch for any changes in urination habits and take another PSA test in a few months.

Cancer Information: Preparing for the Worst

According to the 2007 report of the World Health Organization, the next thirty years will witness a significant global rise, in the number of deaths due to non-communicable diseases, especially cancer. This prediction is mainly due to the ageing of the population of the world.

However, even without that bit of news, we are aware of cancer being a major killer. But we do know that a cancer, when detected in its earliest stages, is generally curable. Hence, it is advisable to make sure that we are privy to various kinds of cancer information.

To begin with, it helps if you know about the different common types of cancer. Among the most common are bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, and prostate cancer.

Leukemia is another common type, where the cancer forms in the tissues where blood is formed, such as in the bone marrow. This then leads to the production of a large number of blood cells, and these large numbers of blood cells then enter the blood stream.

If you have a suspicious looking mole, you really should have it checked, as you do not want to risk it's being cancerous. It may be nothing, but you really should not sit on it worrying that it might be melanoma. The word "melanoma" comes from "melanocytes". Melanocytes are the cells in which melanin pigment is formed. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that begins in these cells.

NHL (Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma) is yet another common form of cancer. This refers to a the growth of a large group of cancers that affect the immunity system. The symptoms of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are those of fever and weight loss, a sure sign that the immunity system has been affected. This is a cancer that can affect any age group, and its treatment is completely dependent on the stage of detection of the cancer.

Of course, these are only a few of the many kinds of cancers that afflict people all over the world. There are cancers that can be easily treated, and those that cannot. On the Internet, there are various sites that are devoted to providing cancer information. So you have the official sites, websites created by cancer specialists, and sites created and maintained by people who have either battled cancer or know people who have.

So, at least if you are looking for basic information, there are a large number of authoritative websites that provide cancer information. Prepare yourself with all the cancer information that you can, so that you will be better placed to deal with the countless problems that a cancer brings in its wake.

Prevention of Cancer

If you or someone you know is diagnosed as having cancer it can be traumatic. You want to know how and why this could have happened and if there is
anything you can do to cure the cancer. There is no easy answer to those questions as there are numerous types of cancer and various contributing factors.

At present there are over 200 recognised forms of cancer that affect different regions of the body. It does not necessarily follow that one type of cancer that affects an area of the body will spread to another. The other important point to note is that cancer is caused by a variety of factors and does not usually have any one cause but is often brought about by a combination of them.

There are a number of more common factors that lead to a higher risk of developing cancer and these are age, genetic make up, levels of immunity, diet,
environment and viruses.

Cancer is caused by cells changing over time and therefore the older we are the more susceptible we are to developing the disease.

Our genetic make up can make us predisposed to getting cancer if we were born with cells that are already altered from a normal state which makes them more likely to become cancerous.

Of course our body's immune system helps us to fend off the development of cancerous cells but if its effectiveness has been reduced by certain medical conditions then we are at a higher risk than average of developing cancer.

Our diet has an impact on our likelihood of getting cancer too. It is no coincidence that people who have a higher fat intake are more likely to end up with the disease than those who have a healthy and balanced diet.

We are also exposed to certain risk factors in our daily lives. Being exposed to tobacco smoke for example is believed to significantly increase our chances of having cancer in later life. Radiation exposure is also a hazard that we often ignore.
The increased use of microwave ovens and cell phones are put forward as contributing to the rising number of cancer cases. People living in the vicinity of nuclear power plants have been trying to prove for years that they are at a greater
risk from cancer than those who live elsewhere.

Cancer Biopsy Cases Pervade Medical Clinics

The term biopsy literally means a view of life and literally means from the Greek "bio" meaning life, and "-psy" meaning vision. A biopsy is literally a look at living tissue, and is a test used for cancer diagnosis. Any tissue or organ in the body has the capacity to be biopsied, and there are several techniques used. Some of these require surgery, whereas others will not even require an anesthetic. In each method, a sample of tissue is extracted from the body and studied for cancer markers, cancer cells, or unusual cell division. Each cancer has its own techniques of diagnosis, but the different types of biopsies can be identified. Naturally, you should go to a reputed medical clinic to get this done. You can look up an online health directory to learn more.

1) Excisional biopsy. This is a surgical removal of the possible tumor growth. In this case, either an organ or lump is excised, or cut out of the body. Excisional biopsies are used for a variety of cancer diagnoses and for different reasons in each. In osteosarcoma they are used because of the growth rate of possible tumors. Surgery will always be the first choice of biopsy in bone cancers. In lymphoma, tumors can only be examined as whole pieces in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis. Breast cancer is another cancer where some surgeons prefer surgery. This will make certain any cancer diagnosis with the most accuracy.

2) Incisional Biopsy. Here only a section of the lump is removed through surgery. This type is generally used for possible soft tissue cancers.

3) Endoscopic Biopsy. This is the most preferred form of biopsy and is performed through a fibreoptic endoscope that is entered into the organ of disruption. The doctor looking through the endoscope can view directly any abnormal sections and cut or pinch pieces of tissue with forceps. A thoroscopy for endoscopic biopsy under general anesthesia will be used for mesothelioma, a cancer of internal organ lining. The reason for this is there is simply no other techniques to obtain a tissue sample. Meshothelioma is also very difficult to diagnose through other means, and so excisional biopsy is the best course for an accurate diagnosis.

4) Fine needle aspiration is the most preferred form of biopsy today. Here a needle will be entered into the lump and a large number of cell tissue will be drawn through a syringe. These cells will then be stained and studied by a pathologist. In this case, a diagnosis is arrived at in a very short time. This kind of biopsy can even be done on hard to get at organs such as the pancreas or lungs with ultrasound guided techniques. This is the preferred choice as avoiding surgery is almost always first on the wish list of the doctor.

There are other forms of biopsies, but these categories are the most preferred and cover most of the major cancerous diseases. If a cancer is possible, a patient may endure more than one of these tests through the course of their treatment, depending on how aggressive the doctor feels it is.

Specialist medical clinics are most suited to deal with this. If you want to learn more, read online articles on the issue. These are found without difficulty in a health directory.